THEY DID IT! The Chicago Office Has Made 41 Straight Free Throws After 16 Hours Of Torture


HISTORY! How can you not be romantic about Barstool? The greatest sports story of 2024 just happened and it took 16 hours of pure torture to do it. A true where were you moment. Absolute nails from Big Cat who just walked in the door after taking his kid to school (great dad) to nail the two before Dave who blacked out during the final shot.  

I don't know who the ringer in the blue hoodie was, but he was an absolute legend too. Cheah won't get the credit but he had 7000+ rebounds and it won't show up on the official stat sheet. This was legitimately 6 hours ago and he kept at it with no complaints and got everyone the ball the way in the way they wanted it:

What a movie that was seeing old Barstool characters like Mantis appear out of thin air to come and help too. Watching Pat Bev rebound for him at 2 am was legitimately a fever dream. 

We're not allowed to use the word scenes anymore, but how else can you describe this other than just that? And shoutout to Ohio's Tate who legitimately quit his job for the operation:

This place rocks.

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